Saturday 3 December 2011

Dave's gone

Ok so dave's out for a flour run wich means I can take the reigns for 5 mins...

Now lets get something straight... my bright idea is brilliant and when I asked Mr Architect to help me he got crazy excited and asked me if we can do a village. Started inventing rivers and bridges and such.

Anyway starting on batch 2 - am getting quite tired and have a gala dinner tonight so helping myself to an energy drink from dave's fridge - the last energy drink in Dave's fridge hihi. Don't worry I'll leave him some.

We'll be baking the dough tomorrow as its getting late now - 5.05pm here - and we have to be at the hotel for dinner by 8pm and I'm still covered in flour! ahhhh!!

Keep tuned I'm sure Dave will have a response to this post as soon as he's back. Love you hunni :)

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